Hello again. I am terribly sorry for not having uploaded anything for so long.
I thought that now I must talk about two, almost inseperable hobbits, Merry and Pippin whose full names were Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took. These two young hobbits were best friends and as the journey to Mordor continued, their bond became even stronger. Their appearance is exactly what someone should except from a hobbit: short in height (although among the hobbits, these two were considered to be the tallest ones in hobbit-history), with hairy feet and curly hair and always a happy face. They welcomed the 5 substantial meals during the hobbit-day and never refused to eat at any other time. They also shared a great love for tobacco. Merry and Pippin were trouble-makers and for this they were known to many farmers in the Shire because they had the habbit to "steal" from their crops.Plus, they were always curious about everything, the reason that once led Pippin to look into the Paladir.
But beneath this childish behaviour, these hobbits had a kind heart and an innocent soul. That is what prevented Pippin from telling Sauron about their plan to destroy the ring and about the mission Frodo and Samwise were into. Merry fought in the Battle of Gondor alongside with Eowyn and king Theoden. He was the one who helped Eowyn to defeat the Witch-King of Angmar. Pippin fought along with Gandalf the White and due to him, Faramir was saved from his father's (Denethor, Stuart of Gondor) madness who intended to burn him while he was alive. Both Merry and Pippin spent days into the Forest of Fangorn and met Tree-Beard, and ancient Tree-Sepherd. They also took part in the Trees' war against Isengard and Saruman.
These two hobbits created a strong bond of true and deep friendship and it's worth having them as an example in our lives.