If someone decides to carefully study the Tolkien-characters, he will notice two main axons upon which the author builts his heroes: The characteristics that indicate the origin, the tribe and traditions of the hero and the ones that indicate the hero's special and unique soul-synthesis.
The first group refers to some crucial characteristics that the different tribes of Middle-Earth possess. They help us to understand the background of the hero, his traditions and customs and his ethic code. For instance, it helps us to seperate an elf from a dwarf, justify his positions and behaviour, or even forsee his reactions and outbursts. Furthermore, this group of characteristics has a primordial role to the way the plot will go on!
The second group deals with the personal characteristics, the ones a person develops according to his life experiences, the influences of the environment he lived, his inner morals and the degree of his mind and heart corruption. These characteristics are a very valuable and reliable compass as they indicate us which way the hero will follow in a certain situation. They also give us an idea of the treatment the hero will probably receive from the anti-hero in case he falls to the hands of the latter.
The combination of these two groups is what helps us to understand the plot and the way events evolve. If someone has a clear picture of thes two axons of Tolkien's works, he will be able to easily depict situations, reasons and consequences and find what is hidden behind the visible facts. Good luck people!!
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