Ok. Let's start. I reckon the wisest way to begin is to analyse the main character in the Lord of the Rings: the ring-bearer, in other words, Frodo Baggins.
Frodo Baggins in a Hobbit. (Hobbits are small-sized humans with hairy feet, happy mood, love for food and a tendancy to remain silent and not to care about the rest of the world). Frodo, loves a good meal, but apart from the hairy feet, he is very different from the other Hobbits. He is curious about the outside world. He loves adventure and this love of his, pushes him to the dead-trap-journey of bearing the ring to Mordor. He knows the Elvish Language very well and he also comes to know a brief history-line of Middle Earth. His knowledge will be very helpful in the future. Frodo differs yet in another thing too: he is not afraid of water whereas most of the Hobbits hate water and fear boats. As a concequence, he won't feel like a fish out of the water when he has to cross a river for various reasons!
Frodo's inside world is very complex and at the same time, truly amazing. He is decisive, ready and willing to take great responsibilities. He does not seem ready to give up when difficulties and hard times appear on the scene. He has a good heart and that is what makes him reliable. But, he is vulnerable as well. He is slowly controled by the dark power of the one Ring. He has the power though to overcome it with his own strength of character and the help of his dearest friend and co-traveller Samwise Gamgee. He does not reveal his identity easily and can hide very well the purpose of his journey most of the times.
I think this is the portrait of Frodo's character. Every comment is well accepted. Stay connected, the next part will be soon here!
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